Does Testosterone Therapy Work?
Nobody wants to grow old, but aging is inevitable. As you age, you can do anything to feel more vigorous and younger. Testosterone therapy is always among the promising options that people have. However, you can't take the treatment as your eventual anti-aging formula before you understand what it is and whether it really works. Find, in this article, essential insights about testosterone therapy, both what works and doesn’t work for it.
What is Testosterone?
It is one of the hormones that are produced in men's testicles. It is produced in plenty during early adulthood and adolescence. As one gets older, testosterone levels decline. However, low production of the hormone can be caused by some diseases, such as hypogonadism. Basically, it helps in maintaining:
• Sperm production
• Sex drive
• Bone density
• Body and facial hair
• Muscle mass and strength
Declining testosterone levels come along with a wide range of symptoms and signs of aging. Many people, hence, consider testosterone therapy as an option to remaining vibrant and younger.
Testosterone Therapy Somehow Works
Studies have shown that testosterone therapy is effective in promoting vitality and youth. In case you have low testosterone levels, you may witness some of the following signs:
• Physical changes, such as decreased muscle bulk, increased body fat, and reduced bone density
• Decreased sexual desire
• Emotional changes, primarily decreased self-confidence and motivation
These signs can be reversed by administering testosterone therapy. However, the procedure only works when a low testosterone level is caused by hypogonadism. It is unclear if the same symptoms can be reversed if the symptoms are associated with normal aging. Some men have noted that they feel more vigorous whenever they take testosterone medication. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. The American College of Physicians highlights that the therapy improves sexual functions, but only to some men.
Some physicians believe that testosterone therapy is disrupting normal aging, which can have serious consequences. According to them, it interferes with the normal functioning of the body. Some of the risks associated with it include:
• One may suffer from a severe sleep disorder that is characterized by abnormal breathing
• Skin may adversely react to testosterone intake and develop acne
• The breasts may get enlarged
• It may affect the prostate by promoting benign prostate hyperplasia
• Testicles may shrink due to limited sperm production
• One may experience excess red blood cell production, which may cause an internal blood clot
• Risk of heart disease
As you can see, there is no evidence as to whether testosterone therapy works for everyone. Also, it is associated with life-threatening health risks. Doctors believe that it's hard to reverse low testosterone production, mainly if it is related to normal aging. Thus, it would be best if you compared the benefits and risks before undertaking the therapy.
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