Consider how many times you empty your bladder throughout the day. Do you often feel like you need to go immediately, and more often than normal? Do you find yourself constantly waking up to use the bathroom? If this sounds familiar, then you might suffer from overactive bladder. Many people deal with OAB.
The renal system is an important and fascinating part of the human body. It is a complex system of nerves and muscles that work to filter the blood of impurities. Ideally, a bladder will fill with urine before it sends a signal to the brain that it's time to head to the bathroom. Those with overactive bladder will always have the feeling of needing to empty their bladder even when it isn't full.
There are several reasons as to why someone might begin to experience overactive bladder. The cause can range from minor problems such as a urinary tract infection, all the way to more serious medical issues such as neurologic disorders. It's not always clear why someone develops OAB, but it's a sign that something deeper may be going wrong with the body.
Not every person has the same experience with their overactive bladder. Some people are able to manage it well, while others notice that their quality of life is damaged from constant trips to the bathroom. There are also other factors such as pain or leakage that can make an overactive bladder more troublesome to those who have it.
The first thing that someone with overactive bladder can do to reduce the number of times they need to urinate is to reconsider their diet. Substances such as sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and more, have harmful effects on the bladder. It isn't good for anyone, but those with OAB are especially vulnerable to the nasty effects that unhealthy snacks bring. Fiber helps reduce constipation, which can ease the negative feelings of OAB.
Beyond a change in eating habits, many medications and surgical solutions exist for the treatment of overactive bladder. A medical professional likely deals with overactive bladder cases frequently, which means that they'll have multiple solutions available. Finally, some overactive muscles in the bladder can be paralyzed with Botox.
Overactive bladder is a condition that affects people around the world. A large bundle of nerves operates the renal system, which is connected to many other parts of the body such as the spine and stomach. While it may seem minuscule at first, the overactive bladder shouldn't be ignored. It's a problem that can easily become worse or develop into a more serious medical condition.
There's no guaranteed way to prevent overactive bladder; however, staying hydrated is a good way to keep your bladder healthy. Try to avoid ignoring your body's need to use the bathroom as this can stress the bladder and cause damage. The absolute best way to treat overactive bladder is by always following the advice of a doctor.
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